Learning More About Nevada Gun Laws

If you live in Nevada, can you own a gun? Nevada gun laws permit residents to own guns, and there is no firearm registration requirement under state law. In addition, no permit is required in the state in order to openly carry a firearm. However, there are age restrictions to gun ownership and open carry. Under Nevada law, minors under the age of 18 are not permitted to engage in the open carry of firearms except in specific circumstances. There are limitations, however, to where you can open carry, including but not limited to:

  • Public school premises;
  • Property of the Nevada System of Higher Education;
  • Private in-home childcare facilities;
  • Secure areas of an airport; and
  • Legislative building(s) in Nevada.

Concealed carry is handled somewhat differently in Nevada. While there is no permit required to purchase a gun, and licenses are not required to own guns in the state, there are laws concerning concealed carry. Nevada is what is known as a “shall issue” state for concealed carry, and Nevada concealed carry law explains who can carry a concealed weapon.

Place Where Guns Are Legal and Prohibited in Nevada

Many Nevada residents have questions about whether open carry and/or concealed carry is possible in specific places. Below are some locations in which Nevada gun owners may or may not be able to carry weapons:

  • Bars and restaurants: both concealed carry (with permit) and open carry are legal in cars and restaurants in Nevada, even if you are consuming alcohol. However, the law does prohibit firearm possession if you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of more than 0.10.
  • Casinos: Las Vegas gun laws permit concealed and open carry inside casinos, as well as at other locations on the Las Vegas Strip. Sometimes a casino will request that you disarm or leave the premises if you are carrying, but you will only be breaking the law if you do not agree to disarm or leave the site.
  • Private homes: to have a concealed weapon at your home or in the private property of another person or entity, you need to have a permit. Permits are not required for open carry.
  • Schools: both open carry and concealed weapons are illegal on school property, including K-12 schools as well as colleges and universities. In specific cases, you may be able to carry with express written permission.
  • Government buildings: guns are prohibited in secure areas at airports, such as those beyond TSA checkpoints. In addition, certain government buildings do not permit open carry or concealed weapons.

Related: 10 Weird Laws in Nevada

Gun Ownership By State and How Nevada Compares

How does Nevada stack up when we look at gun ownership by state? Approximately 37.5 percent of Nevada residents currently own guns. There are currently 15 states that have gun ownership rates between 30 to 40 percent, of which Nevada is among them.

How many states have more gun owners? And how many states have fewer gun owners? There are currently seven states in which gun ownership rates are between 40 to 50 percent, and six states in which gun ownership rates fall between 50 to 61.7 percent. Nevada has a relatively high rate of gun ownership in comparison to national numbers, with 21 states having gun ownership rates below the 30 to 40 percent bracket in which Nevada falls.

Regardless of where you live, with more than one-third of the Nevada population owning guns, it is important to remember safe gun practices. Injuries resulting from a gun accident can be severe and even fatal. In some cases, property owners can be liable for injuries that occur if the case is found to be defective. And when guns are used in ways that violate the law, the user can be held accountable.

Gun ownership is important to many Nevadans given the high rates of ownership, and it is important to be safe with open and concealed carry.

Note: while this information is intended to be as accurate as possible, you should read the laws & obtain advise from an attorney about the details of your specific situation. This information does not constitute legal advice or constitute an attorney-client relationship, please read our disclaimer.

If you or someone you know has been injured due to someone else’s negligent handling of a firearm, have been the victim of a shooting incident that happened due to negligence, or injured due to a defective gun case which lead to an accident, call contact the attorneys at Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas for a free case evaluation today 702-570-1264.

Nevada Gun Laws Infographic

Nevada Gun Laws and Ownership Infographic