Looking for A Las Vegas Product Liability Lawyer?

Ladah Law Firm has won $300+ million in settlements. Call (702) 252-0055 to speak with a Las Vegas product liability lawyer today.

A Las Vegas product liability lawyer can help you pursue compensation if you’ve been injured by a defective product. They understand Nevada laws and can navigate complex claims, holding manufacturers accountable for unsafe products that caused your harm.

Defective products can cause serious injuries, leaving you with medical bills, lost wages, and ongoing pain. Navigating the legal process to hold manufacturers accountable can be overwhelming, especially in Nevada’s complex legal system.

Without proper legal representation, you risk facing unfair settlements or even losing your case entirely, adding financial strain to your injury.

Whether you were injured by a defective airbag after purchasing a vehicle on Sahara Avenue, suffered a rash from a cleaning product purchased at Meadows Mall, or your child suffered an injury after an unbalanced stroller tipped over near Las Vegas Boulevard, you should speak with a product liability lawyer.

Contact Ladah Law Firm to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Las Vegas product liability lawyer who understands Nevada laws and will fight to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. By handling negotiations and court proceedings, they can alleviate your stress, so you can focus on recovery.

Our Product Liability Lawyers Will Help You Seek Compensation

Our Product Liability Lawyers Will Help You Seek Maximum Compensation

Our Las Vegas product liability lawyers at Ladah Law Firm are here to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

We start by thoroughly evaluating the product, identifying the defect, and determining any other parties that might be held liable. Contact us for a free initial consultation to evaluate your case and discuss potential compensation.

Our team, led by personal injury attorney Ramzy Ladah, consults with experts to understand the technical aspects of your case and negotiates with the manufacturer and their insurance company on your behalf. If we can’t reach a fair settlement, we are ready to take your case to a jury in Clark County.

We work on a contingency basis, so you don’t pay anything unless we win your case. Our commitment is to help you achieve the justice and compensation you need.

What is Product Liability?

Product liability holds manufacturers and retailers responsible for ensuring their products are safe for consumers. Since the government cannot inspect every product sold, it is up to these companies to maintain safety standards.

In Nevada, the state imposes strict liability, meaning companies can be held accountable if a product is unreasonably dangerous or defective, regardless of negligence. Understanding and categorizing different types of liability claims is crucial.

You don’t need to prove the company was careless; liability is established by showing that the product’s defect existed and caused harm. This legal framework motivates companies to prioritize consumer safety and provides recourse for those injured by defective products.

The Three Types of Defective Product Claims

When pursuing a product liability case in Las Vegas, understanding the types of defective product claims is crucial. These claims typically fall into three categories, each of which addresses specific ways a product can be unsafe.

Design Defects

Design defects occur when a product’s design is inherently unsafe—even before it is manufactured. Put another way, there is a flaw in the product’s fundamental blueprint. As a result, every item produced is potentially dangerous. For instance, a car model designed with a fuel system that increases the risk of fire in a crash could be considered to have a design defect.

Manufacturing Defects

Manufacturing defects, unlike design defects, arise during the manufacturing process. In other words, only a portion of the manufactured items are affected, not the entire line. For example, imagine that there is a batch of bicycles with a weak frame weld. As a result, these bikes are likely to break under normal use. In Nevada, demonstrating a manufacturing defect requires showing that the product deviated from its intended design and that the deviation in question was a defect.

Marketing Defects (Failure to Warn)

A marketing defect, also known as failure to warn, involves inadequate instructions or safety warning labels regarding serious risks. For example, a powerful cleaning chemical sold without proper usage instructions and warning labels about its corrosive nature could be a case of failure to warn.

We Handle All Types of Product Liability Claims in Nevada

Dangerous and defective products come in many forms and can cause serious injuries. At Ladah Law Firm, our law office handles a wide range of cases in Las Vegas NV. If you’ve been injured due to an unreasonably dangerous product, we can help. Our law office has the expertise and availability to assist clients with claims related to products, offering consultations and case evaluations.

Our injury attorneys have extensive experience handling cases involving various products, including:

  • Defective Vehicles and Defective Vehicle Parts: Issues with brakes, airbags, and other vehicle components.
  • Pharmaceutical Drugs and Medical Devices: Problems with prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and medical equipment.
  • Household Appliances: Faulty appliances that cause injuries.
  • Children’s Products and Toys: Defects in products designed for children that lead to harm.
  • Food Contamination and Defects: Contaminated food products cause illness.
  • Industrial Machinery and Equipment: Heavy machinery that causes injury due to defects.
  • Consumer Electronics: Malfunctioning or unsafe electronic devices.
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Products: Products that cause adverse reactions or injuries.

Our Las Vegas team has successfully recovered compensation valued at over $300 million for injured clients. We’re here to provide the legal assistance you need. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

The Role of Negligence and Strict Liability in Nevada

In Nevada, negligence and strict liability play crucial roles in personal injury cases and product liability cases, but they serve different purposes.

Negligence involves proving that a manufacturer or retailer failed to exercise reasonable care in designing, manufacturing, or marketing a product. To win a negligence claim, you must demonstrate that the company’s actions fell below the standard of care expected in the industry and that this failure directly caused your serious injury. This often requires showing that the company knew or should have known about the defect and failed to address it.

Strict Liability, on the other hand, simplifies the legal process for injured consumers. Under strict liability, you don’t need to prove negligence or fault. Instead, you only need to establish that the product was defectively designed, manufactured, or marketed and that this defect caused your injury. This approach holds companies accountable for the safety of their products regardless of their intent or conduct, ensuring that consumers have a straightforward path to justice.

In Nevada, product liability cases can be pursued under either theory depending on the case’s specifics, providing flexibility in seeking compensation for injuries caused by products.

How Long Do I Have to File a Product Liability Claim in Nevada?

Nevada Revised Statutes 11.190 is the Nevada statute of limitations. For a product liability claim, you generally have four years from when the injury occurred or when the injured party discovered or should have discovered the defect that caused the injury. This timeframe is crucial because it dictates how long you must take legal action to seek compensation for damages resulting from a defective product.

It’s essential to act promptly. If you miss the deadline, you may lose your right to file a claim, regardless of the merits of your case. Certain circumstances can affect this timeframe, such as cases involving latent defects, where the injury or defect was not immediately apparent. In such situations, the statute of limitations might start from the date when the defect was discovered or should have been discovered.

Steps to Take After an Injury Caused by a Product Defect

After being injured by a defective product, taking the right steps is crucial to protect your health and legal rights. Following these steps can strengthen your potential product liability claim and increase your chances of obtaining fair compensation.

  1. Preserve Evidence: Keep the defective product as is. Take photos of the product, injuries, and damages. Retain packaging, receipts, and manuals for your claim.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Get medical care immediately and document your injuries and treatments. Medical records will support your case.
  3. Contact an Attorney: Contact a Las Vegas product liability attorney for guidance. They will help gather evidence and file your claim.
  4. Avoid Manufacturer Communication: Do not communicate with the manufacturer or their insurer. Let your attorney handle all interactions.
  5. Document Your Experience: Record the impact of the defect on your life, including missed work and medical expenses.
  6. Understand Your Legal Rights: Learn about Nevada’s product liability laws. Your attorney will explain your rights and options.
  7. Schedule a Consultation: Schedule a free consultation with a personal injury law firm that handles product liability claims to evaluate your case and discuss your legal options.

Why You Need a Product Liability Attorney

Product liability claims are complex and require specialized knowledge of legal principles and local regulations. A Las Vegas, NV attorney brings valuable expertise in Nevada’s laws and court procedures, giving you a crucial advantage.

Proving negligence involves detailed work, including evidence collection and witness interviews. An attorney can manage these tasks effectively and build a strong case.

When faced with severe injuries or wrongful death from products, timely legal action is essential. A product liability lawyer helps you seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages, ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

How Ladah Law Firm in Las Vegas Can Help

At Ladah Law Firm, our experienced attorneys in Las Vegas, NV are dedicated to guiding you through every stage of your case. Whether you’re facing issues with manufacturing defects, initial design flaws, or marketing failures, we offer comprehensive support:

  • Case Evaluation and Investigation: We start by thoroughly assessing your potential product liability lawsuit, investigating the product, identifying the defect, and understanding how it caused your injuries. This helps us build a solid foundation for your personal injury claim.
  • Gathering and Analyzing Evidence: We collect critical evidence, including product recalls, safety reports, and expert testimonies, to prove that the defect caused injuries. Our goal is to strengthen your claim with all necessary documentation.
  • Filing Injury Claims and Lawsuits: Our team handles all legal paperwork and ensures compliance with Nevada laws. We efficiently manage the process of filing your claim.
  • Negotiating Settlements: We deal with manufacturers and insurance companies to secure the best possible settlement. We aim to obtain fair compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.
  • Trial Representation: We will take your case to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached. Our attorneys have extensive courtroom experience and will advocate aggressively on your behalf.
  • Supporting Injury Victims: We are committed to helping victims pursue justice and compensation. Whether dealing with dangerous products or other personal injury issues, we provide the legal support you need.

Product Liability Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Product Liability Attorney in Las Vegas, NV Today

Facing the complexities of product liability cases requires expert legal support. At Ladah Law Firm, our legal team offers dedicated assistance to help you pursue compensation for injuries caused by products. We understand the profound impact these injuries can have and are committed to holding manufacturers accountable under Nevada law. 

Our experience handling diverse product liability cases allows us to guide you through the legal process. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries related to product defects, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our Las Vegas, NV attorneys.