Ladah Settlements
Have Generated Over $300 Million.
That’s Ladah Money
We Know What It Takes To Secure Your Future
If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident, get help from the experienced lawyers at Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas right away by calling (702) 252-0055.
Class Action
$410 Million
$410,000,000.00 settlement for class action
Wrongful Death
$70.6 Million
$70,625,594.80 wrongful death motorcycle collision
Head Injury
$11 Million
settlement for boy who suffered a head injury when a part of a light fixture fell on him. His medical bills were approximately $350,000 meaning we obtained a settlement of over 30 times his medical bills
Trucking Accident
$10 Million
jury verdict for 26 year old female involved in a trucking accident. The Plaintiff’s medical bills were approximately $800,000…
Trucking Accident
$9.2 Million
Jury verdict for a 40 year old T-boned by a heavy commercial vehicle in the middle of the intersection causing spinal injuries.
Shooting Injury
$6.4 Million
settlement for shooting injury
Spinal Injury
$5.5 Million
Settlement for Spinal Injury
Car Accident
$5 Million
settlement in motor vehicle crash involving spinal injury and concussion (case settled two weeks into trial)
Car Accident
$5 Million
settlement for object falling off a truck impacting our client’s vehicle
Negligent Security
$4.8 Million
Settlement for negligent security premises case
Car Accident
$4.6 Million
Jury Verdict for 78 year old man who died in an accident while turning left on a yield and hit by a speeding driver.
Spinal Injury
$3.97 Million
$3,976,561.00 jury verdict for low speed impact motor vehicle collision resulting in a spinal surgery. The defense offered only $100 K prior to trial.
Car Accident
$3.9 Million
wrongful death case settlement – specific details and parties are confidential
Brain Injury
$3.8 Million
settlement for a burn injury arising out of a trucking accident involving a defective brake line
Wrongful Death
$3.725 Million
settlement for wrongful death case
Medical Malpractice
$3.7 Million
Settlement against drug rehabilitation facility
Spinal Injury
$3.2 Million
settlement for spinal injury sustained in a taxi vs. car crash on the I-15 freeway line
Spinal Injury
$3.1 Million
Settlement for low property damage parking lot accident resulting in spinal injuries
Motorcycle Accident
$3.06 Million
motorcycle accident settlement resulting in spinal injury and pelvic fracture
Motor Vehicle
$2.6 Million
settlement for motor vehicle crash involving a delivery truck that failed to stop at a stop sign
Spinal Injury
$2.5 Million
settlement for a young Plaintiff suffering a spinal injury
Trucking Accident
$2.4 Million
jury verdict on Trucking Accident causing Spinal Injury and mild traumatic brain injury
Bus Accident
$2.3 Million
Settlement for bus accident resulting in single level artificial disk spinal injury
Non Fracture Hand Injury
$2 Million
$2,045,117.55 jury verdict for non fracture hand injury
Trucking Accident
$2 Million
$2,025,000 – Trucking accident involving client with extensive preexisting spinal conditions
Contested Liability Collision
$2 Million
settlement for contested liability collision on the I-215 Freeway Airport Exit
Trucking Accident
$2 Million
trucking accident involving a spinal cord stimulator recommendation
Spinal Surgery
$2 Million
for middle age lady rear ended after undergoing spinal surgery, requiring a revision surgery
Motor Vehicle
$1.8 Million
settlement for spinal injury as a result of a motor vehicle collision
Spine Injury
$1.77 Million
Settlement for Middle Age lady who underwent spinal surgery after a motor vehicle collision
Truck Accident
$1.75 Million
Settlement for taxi driver injured in a crash with a truck
Truck Accident
$1.75 Million
settlement for contested fault taxi versus truck accident involving a Plaintiff who admitted he was speeding and sustained a spinal injury, knee injury and shoulder injury
Bus/Shooting Injury
$1.7 Million
settlement for bus shooting
Motor Vehicle Collision
$1.5 Million
Double level spinal fusion in motor vehicle collision
Spinal Injury
$1.5 Million
Jury verdict for spinal injury for middle age plaintiff
Trucking Accident
$1.47 Million
$1,475,000 million A trucking accident causing a back injury. Medical bills were less than $300,000
Uber Driver
$1.46 Million
settlement for spinal injury victim involved in accident with an uber driver
Low Impact Trucking Accident
$1.4 Million
Low impact trucking accident with disputed liability, minimal property damage
Car Accident
$1.35 Million
settlement for contested liability car accident case involving spinal injury for middle age Hispanic lady
Rear End Accident
$1.3 Million
settlement for elderly man rear ended by pickup truck resulting in a severe neck injury
Property Damage
$1.2 Million
settlement for low property damage motor vehicle collision to a passenger who suffered from complex regional pain syndrome
Property Damage
$1.41 Million
settlement involving freeway accident
Car Accident
$1.2 Million
Settlement for diabetic victim of a car crash
Property Damage
$1.19 Million
settlement for case involving construction equipment left in the roadway
Head Injury
$1.1 Million
settlement for a closed head injury as a result of a tractor trailer vs. car collision (settlement was more than 12 times the client’s medical bills)
Spinal Injury
$1.06 Million
Jury Verdict for Spanish Speaker suffering spinal injury
Liability Motor Vehicle Crash
$1.04 Million
$1,044,882.70 for contested liability motor vehicle crash
Motor Vehicle/Spine Injury
$1.05 Million
motor vehicle collision spinal injury case with no damage to the vehicle involved in the collision
Underinsured Motorist Case
$1 Million
settlement for underinsured motorist case
Bus Injury
$1 Million
settlement for man injured while running after a bus
Uninsured Motorist/Spinal Injury
$1 Million
settlement for a spinal injury on an uninsured motorist claim
Uninsured Motorist
$1 Million
settlement for uninsured motorist claim
Motor Vehicle/Spine Injury
$1 Million
motor vehicle collision spinal injury case
Spinal Injuries
$1 Million
settlement for spinal injuries sustained in a dispute fault accident with a roll off garbage truck
Trucking Accident
$1 Million
settlement for contested liability trucking accident involving injury to the cervical spine
Property Damage
$1 Million
settlement for side swipe accident resulting in minor property damage and a spinal injury to a young Plaintiff
Spinal Injury
$1 Million
settlement on spinal injury surgical case
Spinal Injury
$1 Million
settlement for Senior Citizen suffering a Spinal Injury
Slip And Fall
$1 Million
settlement for a middle age lady who tripped and fell on carpet at a roller skating rink resulting in an ankle injury
Trucking Accident
$1 Million
settlement in trucking accident case involving back, neck and shoulder injuries
Motor Vehicle
$997 Thousand
$997,816.47 policy limits settlement for contested liability motor vehicle crash involving an elderly lady who underwent a spinal surgery
Motor Vehicle Collision
$985 Thousand
$985,936.43 – spinal injury and injections for motor vehicle collision
Motor Vehicle
$982 Thousand
$982,885.36 for spinal injury motor vehicle collision with no property damage to the vehicles involved
Motor Vehicle
$956 Thousand
$956,702.71 settlement for young woman in motor vehicle crash with a tractor trailer
Low Impact Accident
$935 Thousand
$935,689 – Low impact accident involving passengers in rideshare vehicle
Nursing Home
$900 Thousand
nursing home case involving a disabled individual who could not care for herself
Spinal Injury
$875 Thousand
for a spinal injury in a trucking accident, where the police officer who responded to the scene could not determine fault
Motor Vehicle / Spinal Injury
$850 Thousand
settlement for middle age gentlemen involved in a motor vehicle collision causing spinal damage – The defendants failed to preserve the vehicle involved in the subject crash which heavily worked in our favor.
$850 Thousand
settlement for victim of assault at a local casino
$850 Thousand
settlement for an elderly man injured when his foot fell through a hole on his balcony of his apartment
Truck Accident
$850 Thousand
settlement for truck accident victim resulting in knee and shoulder surgery
Products Liability
$850 Thousand
products liability case settlement
Motor Vehicle
$850 Thousand
collision spinal injury case settlement
Casino Slip And Fall
$800 Thousand
Slip and fall at local casino
Motor Vehicle
$800 Thousand
settlement case where the client admitted he was speeding 15 miles an hour over the speed limit
Vehicle Collision Settlement
$770 Thousand
settlement for patron attacked at a local bar by another patron of the bar
Vehicle Collision Settlement
$750 Thousand
Motor vehicle collision settlement for two plaintiffs who underwent injections
Spinal Injury
$750 Thousand
spinal injury in low speed tractor trailer collision
Rideshare Accident
$750 Thousand
settlement for individual injured in rideshare accident
Bus Accident
$750 Thousand
nerve damage injury case settlement
Slip And Fall
$750 Thousand
elbow injury case settlement
Slip And Fall
$750 Thousand
settlement for at mall resulting in spinal injury
Spinal Injury Contested Liability
$700 Thousand
settlement for spinal injury contested liability case (settled during trial)
Trucking Collision
$700 Thousand
settlement for resulting in lower back injury
Telephone Vault
$700 Thousand
settlement for high school age boy who fell in a telephone vault unit when the lid was not properly secured
Taxi & Trailer
$650 Thousand
low speed tractor trailer versus taxi crash involving a wide right turn
Parking Lot Car Accident
$625 Thousand
Car accident in fast food parking lot.
Car Accident
$600 Thousand
settlement for car accident victim with only $100,000 in medical bills and no surgical recommendation
Car Accident
$572 Thousand
$572,500 – Car accident involving $152,000 in medical bills.
Low Impact Car Accident
$550 Thousand
Low impact car accident involving client with extensive preexisting spinal conditions
Negligent Security
$550 Thousand
settlement on a Negligent Security Case for man assaulted at a Weekly Stay Motel in Las Vegas;
Drunk Driver
$550 Thousand
drunk driver motor vehicle crash
Premises Liability
$545 Thousand
settlement for premises case involving parts of drywall falling from the ceiling of an apartment complex
Police Shooting
$500 Thousand
settlement for police shooting injury
Bilateral Surgeries
$500 Thousand
settlement for Plaintiff with bilateral knee surgeries as a result of a trucking accident
Pool Injury
$500 Thousand
case settlement for pool injury at apartment complex
Negligent Security
$490 Thousand
negligent security spinal injury case settlement
Low Impact Car Accident
$487 Thousand
$487,500 – Low impact car accident with disputed liability.
Car Accident
$480 Thousand
settlement for car accident victim involving driving school driver
Car Accident
$475 Thousand
crash involving a head on collision
Tractor Trailer
$475 Thousand
settlement for tractor trailer collision involving concussion injury – Plaintiffs medical bills were less than $70,000.
Motor Vehicle
$450 Thousand
motor vehicle collision neck injury case settlement
Slip And Fall
$425 Thousand
settlement for a slip and fall at a local casino
Construction Accident
$400 Thousand
hip injury and heart attack as a result of a fall from construction equipment case settlement
Motor Vehicle Causing Need For Spinal Injections
$390 Thousand
settlement for elderly woman involved in a motor vehicle collision causing the need for spinal injections – The Plaintiff had a long history, before the crash, of back and neck pain and treatment
Negligent Security
$400 Thousand
case settlement for negligent security case occurring at a bus station
Trucking Accident
$375 Thousand
settlement for elderly lady in trucking accident, with no surgeries, no injections and no surgical recommendations and only just over $100 k in medical bills
Motor Vehicle
$350 Thousand
settlement for elderly lady involving in motor vehicle crash causing neck injury;
Premises Injury
$350 Thousand
settlement for premises injury
Motor Vehicle
$350 Thousand
settlement for low speed motor vehicle accident involving no property damage
Medical Accident
$340 Thousand
settlement for elderly lady who underwent injections in her spine who had less than $90,000 in past medical bills
Car Accident
$315 Thousand
settlement for car accident victim who underwent injections
Slip And Fall
$310 Thousand
case settlement for slip and fall case resulting in pain management treatment
House Injury
$300 Thousand
settlement for injury in a house partially constructed without any warnings of dangers
Motor Vehicle
$300 Thousand
minor property damage motor vehicle collision resulting in the need for spinal injections settlement
Slip And Fall
$295 Thousand
settlement on a slip and fall resulting in a knee and hip injury at a gym
Premises Liability
$270 Thousand
premises liability falling ceiling tile nerve damage injury trial verdict
Uber Driver
$265 Thousand
settlement for uber driver involved in an accident with a drunk driver
Homeowner’s Fraud
$250 Thousand
settlement in homeowner’s fraud case
Motor Vehicle
$250 Thousand
motor vehicle collision back and neck injury case settlement
$3.9 million wrongful death case settlement – specific details and parties are confidential
The clients in this case were dropped by their two prior law firms. When Ramzy Ladah took over this case he slammed the defense with numerous motions, depositions, and medical experts which worked up the case and built a case for potential punitive damages. Eventually, the defense and the defendant gave in and settled for a large amount in order to salvage their reputation at trial and avoid the publicity of the case. Wrongful death cases can be complicated from a medical and damages standpoint. At Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas, we have the experience with these wrongful death cases that you need. Call us for a wrongful death attorney today at 702-570-2102 if you, your family member, or your friend is the heir to someone who died as a result of the negligence of another.
$3.06 million motorcycle accident settlement resulting in spinal injury and pelvic fracture
This case involved a motorcycle accident in which the Plaintiff suffered a spinal injury, pelvic fracture and a closed head injury. This case was referred to Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas by another attorney, who does not handle personal injury cases, to work up the case properly and to take the case to trial if need be. After getting the client the medical treatment he needed, including a spinal cord stimulator and diagnostic testing to establish a mild traumatic brain injury, the defense asked numerous times to go to mediation. Defendant settled for over $3,000,000.00 at mediation because of the risk created by the experts and all of the case workup done by Ramzy Ladah. The defense counsel and the mediator on the case both highly complimented Ramzy Ladah for working up the case the way he did. The client hired and dropped numerous other attorneys before hiring Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas because he did not feel those other law firms were properly handling his case. At Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas, we have extensive experience handling motorcycle accidents and spinal cord stimulator cases. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident, call us today at 702-570-2102 for a motorcycle accident lawyer and a spinal cord stimulator attorney.
$2.4 million jury verdict on Trucking Accident causing Spinal Injury and mild traumatic brain injury
A 35 year old lady was involved in a major collision with two tractor-trailers. The Defendants claimed, from the start, that the Plaintiff was at fault. Numerous neuropsychologists claimed that she did not suffer any cognitive deficits, and therefore that she had no brain injury. Yet, she kept experiencing ongoing issues with memory loss, confusion and communication issues. After we found the right experts, we decided to take this case to trial. Defendants offered little money prior to trial and claimed that the jury would never believe she needed any future treatment and that also would never believe she suffered any type of brain injury. After a 7 day trial, the jury awarded $2,436,468.40. This was much more than any of the attorneys involved thought they would award until Ramzy Ladah’s closing statement. The closing statement was so powerful, it scared the defendants, who before that were adamant that they were going to win the case, to offer their $2 million insurance policy limits to settle. This case is a perfect example of why we, at Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas, get more money for injury victims than other law firms do. The reason is we are not afraid to take cases to trial and take the risk in order to fight for what we believe in: justice for innocent victims of car accidents, truck accidents, and the negligent conduct of others. We fight for what we believe in and we are willing to put everything on the line, and take huge risks, to get our clients what they deserve.
Verdict Form
$2 million spinal injury settlement, medical malpractice case
This case involved a spinal injury after a surgery at a local Las Vegas Hospital. The defendants included numerous physicians, nurses, and the hospital itself, for breaching the standard of medical care and not paying attention to the patient’s post-surgical symptoms. Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas fought five different law firms on the defense side who tried to drown Ramzy Ladah with motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, written discovery, and numerous other motions. After 2 long years of hard-fought battles, all of the defendants settled for a cumulative amount of $2 million. Medical malpractice cases are notorious for being extremely difficult to get money out of and difficult to win at trial. Yet, the hard work in this case performed by Ramzy Ladah helped the client obtain the compensation she deserved. Standing firm on this case and hiring Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas paid off for the client. This client consulted with three other law firms before consulting with Ramzy Ladah and all of those three other law firms rejected her case, but Ramzy Ladah turned it into a $2 million case. Spinal Injury cases require the expertise of an experienced spinal injury lawyer in Las Vegas. If your family, friend, or you yourself have suffered a spinal injury as a result of a negligence act call Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today at 702-570-2102 for a free consultation with a spinal cord injury law firm.
$1.1 million settlement for a closed head injury as a result of a tractor trailer vs. car collision (settlement was more than 12 times the client’s medical bills)
This case involved a collision between a car and a tractor-trailer. The collision caused minor damage to the car but one of the Plaintiffs, a young man, hit his head on the rear window during the collision causing a closed head injury. The defense attempted to hire experts, a neuropsychologist and a neurologist, to say the young man did not suffer any type of head injury, yet Ramzy Ladah filed a Motion and had all of the Defendant’s experts stricken. The defense also tried to hide the truck driver’s driver logs, which showed a violation of the Federal Safety Regulations, and Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas was able to add a punitive damages claim which scared the Defendant and its insurance company. Despite felonies on the Plaintiff’s record, and the fact that he had little recognizable economic damages, due to the risk the Defendant’s settled for over $1 million. Again, the value of the case was created by Ramzy Ladah’s sharp and aggressive litigation tactics. Trucking accident cases require expertise in the federal safety regulations and other federal regulations that regulate the trucking industry and truck drivers. Contact Ladah Law today at 702-570-2102 if you need an experienced trucking accident lawyer in the Las Vegas valley or in Clark County.
$1 million settlement on spinal injury surgical case
This case involved a tractor-trailer vs. car collision in which the Plaintiff suffered severe pain but could not figure out exactly what was wrong with him. Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas helped manage his medical treatment, find his pain generator, and referred him to the right surgeon who decided he needed spinal surgery. The patient underwent a spinal fusion procedure on his cervical spine. After long and hard battles in litigation, the Defendant eventually settled for the insurance policy limits. If you have been forced to undergo spinal surgery, or a spinal fusion, and were involved in an accident call Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today at 702-570-2102 for a spinal fusion lawyer.
$1 million settlement for a middle age lady who tripped and fell on carpet at a roller skating rink resulting in an ankle injury
This was a trip and fall case. The Plaintiff fell while on carpet. The defendant claimed that there was no defect, seam, differential in elevation or problems with the carpet and further claimed that the Plaintiff fell due to her own negligence as a result of her problems and failure to look where she was going. The defendant destroyed the carpet shortly after Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas filed suit. Ramzy Ladah filed a Motion for Spoliation for the destruction of evidence, which was granted, sanctioning the Defendant. Ramzy Ladah also hired numerous engineering safety and biomechanical experts, along with doctors to discuss the nature of the incident and the severity and cause of the Plaintiff’s ankle fracture injury. After two and a half years of litigation, the Defendant settled for its insurance policy limits of $1 million. This case was rejected by another law office before the client’s hired Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas. Call Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today for a free consultation at 702-570-2102 if you have been injured in a trip and fall accident and need help.
$850,000 products liability case settlement
This case was a defective products case pursued against a large pharmaceutical and medical equipment corporation. This case was turned down by no other than 4 other law firms before it was referred to Ramzy Ladah. Products cases can be extremely difficult cases to pursue. If you have a products case call us at Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today at 702-570-2102 to speak to a defective products lawyer for free today.
$850,000 motor vehicle collision spinal injury case settlement This was motor vehicle incident involving a speed bump.
The Plaintiff was a passenger in a commercial non-emergency medical transportation vehicle. The driver of the vehicle, an employee of a transportation company that transported medical patients for a profit, allowed too many patients to pack into the vehicle. After going over a speed bump at a higher than safe speed, the Plaintiff was thrown up in the air, twisting her neck and landing on her rear hard causing her to suffer a spinal injury. This case was referred to Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas by another personal injury law firm that did not want to take the risk or invest the time and effort into this “risky” case. Ramzy Ladah invested his heart and soul into this case and was able to settle it for more than 7 times the medical bills. For a free consultation with a lawyer for a motor vehicle accident injury, call Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas today at 702-570-2102.
$750,000 bus accident nerve damage injury case settlement
This case involved a wheelchair-bound Plaintiff with multiple sclerosis who was not properly strapped into a bus by the bus company. After the bus began moving, the straps holding the Plaintiff and his wheelchair came loose and the Plaintiff’s wheelchair fell over. This caused the Plaintiff to fall downstairs and out of the bus door. The Please ended up in the Emergency Room but other than that did not undergo any additional treatment. While most lawyers would have settled this case for less than $100,000, Attorney Ramzy Ladah spent the money to hire a neurologist who specializes in multiple sclerosis to evaluate the Plaintiff to determine whether the trauma of the bus accident actually worsened, exacerbated, or aggravated his multiple sclerosis-related symptoms. Retaining this expert, and taking the time to find medical literature indicating that multiple sclerosis can become worsened as a result of trauma, is why this case settled for as much as it did. This is an indication of what the attorneys at Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers Las Vegas do that other law firms and lawyers do not do: we invest plenty of time, attention, hard work and money on our cases to get our clients as much money as possible. If you have been injured in a bus accident, call us today for a free consultation at 702-570-2102.
$750,000 settlement for slip and fall at mall resulting in spinal injury
This case involved a slip and fall at a major mall in the Las Vegas area. The Plaintiff fell on a dark liquid substance, the source of which was never definitively determined. Fortunately, Ramzy Ladah took numerous depositions on this case and spent a considerable amount of time working up the damages through life care plans and expert reports. Although the case would have been very difficult to win at trial, the Defendants were scared of their risk due to the expert reports and future medical expenses estimates in the life care plans. As a result of Ramzy Ladah’s hard work, an extremely difficult slip and fall case to win at trial resulted in a large settlement. Our track record speaks for itself. We pride ourselves on turning difficult cases into big money for our clients through hard work and dedication to the cases and our clients. This is why so many other lawyers and law firms refer us their large personal injury cases. If you have been injured as a result of a slip and fall or trip and fall accident, do not hesitate to contact us today for your free consultation at 702-570-2102.