Evidence that can prove hotel accident liability includes photos of hazards, security camera footage, maintenance and inspection records, witness statements, and incident reports. These can demonstrate the hotel’s negligence, such as failing to address safety issues, and help establish accountability for your injuries. Consulting a lawyer ensures proper evidence collection.
Suffering an accident in a hotel can be frustrating and painful, especially when it’s unclear who is responsible for your injuries.
Without the right evidence, proving the hotel’s liability may feel impossible, leaving you burdened with medical bills and unanswered questions about justice.
Uncovering surprising types of evidence, such as maintenance logs, security footage, and witness statements, can strengthen your claim and help establish the hotel’s accountability for your accident.
In this article, we explore the evidence that could prove hotel accident liability.

Evidence That Could Prove Hotel Accident Liability
Las Vegas welcomes millions of visitors every year, and hotels around the city house most of them. Any accident inside a hotel can absolutely ruin a vacation or business trip. These accidents can also ruin your finances. If you suffered serious physical injuries, you might lack the funds to fully pay for your medical care and replace lost income. Some accident victims realize they can barely afford to stay in their homes.
Call the Ladah law firm today. We can seek a settlement with the hotel responsible for your slip and fall, food poisoning, or defective product claim. They might also be liable for negligent security if you are attacked. In this article, we identify surprising pieces of evidence that could make or break your case. Few people think of this evidence, but our hotel accident attorney can begin collecting it right away if you call us.
Here’s a look at the evidence that could provide hotel accident liability:
Closed Circuit TV
Most hotels have video recording the common areas at all hours of the day, as well as the parking lot and the back of the hotel. If you slipped and fell or were attacked in one of these areas, then there should be video of the incident. Of course, the hotel has an incentive to minimize its liability, and they might not turn over the video voluntarily. Hire an experienced lawyer to look for it.
Staff Testimony
You would be surprised at how much staff know. For example, staff might know that there have been prior complaints about a swimming pool or exercise equipment, or they know that previous people have been electrocuted in their rooms. Many hotel staff members don’t speak English, so you might never think to ask them questions.
We can quickly descend on the hotel and speak to staff about what they know. Let’s say you were attacked in your room. A staff member might know that the door locks were faulty because of prior break ins, and that detail could prove critical when trying to hold the hotel responsible.
Criminal History Involving the Hotel
If you have a negligent security claim, then the history of crime at the hotel is directly relevant. The more crime, the more security measures a hotel should put in place to protect their guests. We can research the history of crime at the hotel and in surrounding areas. This evidence will bolster your claim that security was negligent.
Leftover Food
Food poisoning is a sad reality in many hotels which offer room service or have restaurants on the premises. Guests can suffer salmonella or E. coli due to improperly prepared or cooked food. Their vacations are ruined as they spend a night in the hospital. If you took food back to your room in a doggie bag, remember not to throw it out. We might have the food tested to prove it is the source of poisoning.
Guest Testimony
Other guests could have seen the accident that injured you. Unfortunately, hotels host a transient population. People come and go, and any witness could disappear before you have a chance to speak with them. Ideally, you should quickly call a lawyer at the Ladah law firm, so we can begin gathering evidence. We might even visit the hotel to try and talk to guests about the incident.
Prior Complaints
Other guests could have complained that the elevator was unsafe, the lighting poor, or the carpets so worn that they lost their footing. These complaints help put the hotel on notice that there are defects on the premises they should fix.
As with video evidence, hotels have little incentive for handing this evidence over. They also aren’t going to invite you to go through their books to find complaints. But your attorney can pry this information loose.
Key Card Logs
Most hotels now use key cards to gain entrance to rooms and some common areas, like the gym. Every time the card is swiped, a digital record should be created. This helps the hotel monitor who is going in and out of rooms.
We can request this information to determine who cleaned your room or who entered a common area after you. Let’s say you were attacked in the gym. We could use the key information to identify witnesses or possibly even your attacker.
Helping Injured Victims is What We Do
If you were hurt while visiting Las Vegas, contact the Ladah law firm to talk with one of our lawyers. You can reach us at (702) 252-0055 to ask questions or schedule a confidential meeting with an experienced hotel injury attorney.