The holidays are a festive time for celebrating with family, friends, and loved ones. But the holiday season also comes with a certain amount of safety hazards. The following is a list of holiday safety tips to help you have a safety and enjoyable holiday season:

- Keep your home and yard free of clutter, debris, and electrical cords especially around doorways, stairways, and high-traffic areas. Holiday lights and decorations should be kept away from walkways.
- Keep candles away from flammable materials and do not leave candles unattended.
- If you have a Christmas tree in your home, keep the tree stand filled with water at all times since a dry tree can cause fire hazards. Place the tree at least 3 feet away from fireplaces, space heaters, or central heating systems and make sure to turn off the lights on the turn when going to bed at night and leaving the house
- Choose greenery with care. Poinsettias can cause allergic reactions to those who are allergic to latex. Moreover, poinsettias and other seasonal plants, such as holly and mistletoe, can be hazardous if ingested by children or pets.
- Use power strips sparingly since excessive cords into a single electrical source can prevent fire hazards.
- Do your research before purchasing toys for a child to ensure that the toy is safe and appropriate for the child’s age.
- Check for recalls before purchasing toys and other products. After a toy or other product is purchased, you should register the product so that you will be notified if the manufacturer issues a recall. You should also keep original receipts and packaging in case your child is injured by a defective toy.
- Avoid drinking and driving and do not let party guests get behind the wheel if they are intoxicated. If you are hosting a party, you may want to stop serving alcohol a couple of hours before guests are expected to leave. Not only does drunk driving result in liability for any alcohol-related accidents, but it can also result in jail time.
- Avoid distracted driving. Distracted driving is responsible for thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries each year. Texting, emailing, or talking on a cell phone should be avoided at all times.
Las Vegas personal injury lawyers at the Ladah law firm are dedicated to promoting safety and protecting the rights of accident and injury victims. If you were the victim of a personal injury accident, contact our law firm today at (702) 252-0055 to schedule a free initial consultation with a skilled Las Vegas personal injury lawyer.